RO Student Programme - page 6

Local Launch Event
Youwill have been given this guide at a Local Launch
event held at the university that recruited you (your host
university). The event will tell you all about RO and explain
what is involved in the RO Programme.
What is the Local Launch event?
The Local Launch has been designed to get
you started on RO and give you the opportunity
to check that you understand what you will be
doing on the Programme.
What will you do?
You will hear a presentation about RO from staff
at the university that recruited you. You may also
have the opportunity to meet current university
students and see some of the university campus.
Howwill it help you?
The Local Launch event will:
Give you an understanding of the
RO Programme.
Clarify what you have to do.
Give you the opportunity to meet staff
at the university that recruited you.
Help you understand the support
available to you.
Give you the opportunity to experience
a university campus.
Ti p
Use this time to ask
questions and make sure
you know what you need
to do as part of RO.
Step 1 of 6 complete
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