RO Applying to HE - page 7

Choosing Your University
When choosing your university you should decide which
factors aremost important to you and consider it with these
inmind. It’s your choice and it should be driven by your
preferences and interests. Think about the following
Ti p
The best university is the one that feels right
for you, and you should take the opportunity
to have a look around before you make a final
decision. Visiting universities is also a great
way of finding out how far away from home
they are, and how easy it is to get there.
Realising Opportunities
Applying to Higher Education 2016
Campus universities are usually
outside of the city centre and have all their
teaching buildings and accommodation
on one site.
City universities tend to have their
teaching and accommodation buildings
spread out across the city.
Universities can vary in size from less
than 10,000 students up to around
40,000 students.
Making Comparisons
Looking at league tables is a good way to
compare different universities.
Distance fromHome
How far away from home would
you like to be?
Are there good transport links?
How much will it cost to travel there?
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...20
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